Bond Girl Glam Opens Her Hospital Bag
As your due date draws near there's a lot to obsess about. The hospital bag is a common source of stress for many women - how do you make sure you have every essential item? The truth here is that everyone's version of the perfect hospital bag varies. That's what makes it so interesting when some of our favorite mommy bloggers open theirs up to the world. So feel free to take inspiration from first-time mama Irina Bond of Bond Girl Glam very through list and see which items make sense for you!
We're so thrilled to have our Queen Bee Nursing Robe on this list with a bunch of other great brands including: Bamboobies, J.Crew, Havaianas, Miniclasix, Naturstutten, Chicco, Earth Mama Angel Baby, Petunia Pickle Bottom and 7 AM Enfant!