What are YOU Wearing to FFP This Year?' ask
Fashion Fights Poverty organizers. The answer: '
Wow. Can't get much more love than that. We're flattered! Especially because the topic is so close to our heart. Even closer than our
lace camis ;)
Belabumbum was dreamt up in 2001 by two college friends, Alyssa Weiss and Heidi Rauch, who strongly believe in well being, laughter, and creativity. Belabumbum was inspired by Heidi’s development work in South America and tales of better fabrics, cuts, and comfort in sunny Brazil.
After working for 15 years with street children and other marginalized communities in the Caribbean and Central & South America, Heidi learned two major life lessons — job creation is the only way to alleviate poverty and improve people’s quality of life over the long term, and women’s clothing is made much better in Brazil! Belabumbum is Heidi’s attempt to put these two lessons together, by promoting the development of small, family-run production houses in Brazil that ensure excellent working conditions and increase job opportunities.
There's way more.
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Fashion Fights Poverty one of the largest fashion fundraisers in Washington, DC. It showcases national and international designers who embed ethical practices into their design and operations and consciously promote economic and community development. FFP also sparks dialogue and raises awareness about how fashion, textiles, and design can alleviate poverty and empower communities.