Did you know that September is actually the 'baby boom' month? There are lots of mamas getting ready for baby this month. And —there's no one way to pack a hospital bag. What one mama-to-be finds essential, another might consider totally unnecessary. That's why we find peeking into the bags of the stylish women whose lives we follow so endlessly fascinating.
Like Joo Kim, of
Love Joo Kim. This trendy young mama has a pretty minimalist approach to packing which we find refreshing. On her
streamlined list of essentials, is of course, some Belabumbum. In addition to our Eva Robe, she also lists some great products including:
Earth Mama Angel Baby Nipple Butter,
Push Pack ,
bundlKit, and the
Aden and Anais Swaddle.
What's in your hospital bag, Belas?