• Tulle maternity loungewear in Pregnancy

    Baby  in your belly keeping you from a good night's sleep? Can't rely on your usual cup of java while you're preggers? Nooooo problem. Our happy, energetic, flirty tulle materinity loungewear will give you an extra boost. Just check out this layout from the lovely folks at Pregnancy. Click on the right-hand image to see it bigger.
  • Belabumbum Babymoon

    Honeymoon's over. Not! You get to do it all over again. Yep. But this time we call it a 'babymoon' — and according to the folks at Shape it's a growing craze. Close to 70 percent of parents-to-be plan some time alone before baby arrives. So grab your sexy Belabumbum bikini (just like Shape did) and head to the beach! Click on the right-hand image to see it bigger.
  • In Style: We've got the right white

    "In Style features our classy white swimsuit. Notice how we pay attention to the details — no unwanted transparency. Hey, we just want a nice day at the pool sipping a few cool mojitos. Calm, easy. And nothing worse that suddenly noticing you're inadvertently looking like a wet t-shirt contest participant... Click on the right-hand image to see it bigger."
  • Pregnancy sex uncensored, with the help of Copacabana lace ;)

    The do's, the don't, and everything in between. This month's issue of Parents gives you the low-down on sex during and after pregnancy. Problem is most maternity undies are total mood killers. (Uhhh... just how do they think we got pregnant in the first place?!) But don't fret — Belabumbum's sexy Copacabana lace comes to the rescue. 'It's about time!' scream the writers at Parents, 'Maternity undies are now sexy.' Featured here in aqua, you can get them in a rainbow of colors at our online boutique. One color for every mood ;) Click on the...
  • Get your butt into hot, sexy Brazilian gear

    Fun article in Metro about Belabumbum co-founder, Alyssa Weiss, who 'helps women get their butts into gear — hot, sexy Brazilian gear'. Yep, that's us! ;)
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