WBW2017: Moms Share Their Support Systems

Guest post by Julia Beck, founder of the It’s Working Project and Forty Weeks. As World Breast Feeding Week marks 25 years this August 1-7, they are shining a bright light on the essential role a woman’s support system plays in her breastfeeding success, however she defines it. This graphic does an excellent job of illustrating how the more integrated and diverse support is, the more it lifts a woman to meet her own personal goals. We like that it shows new moms going back to work, and includes the healthcare system and government policy as factors in her breastfeeding success. World Breastfeeding Week 2017For more than four years, the It’s Working Project has been asking parents to share their personal experiences through our Portrait Project. We have used this data to empower the private sector to build straight-forward programs and cost effective initiatives that shift and redefine cultures – creating a new workplace standard that brings parents back to work with ease, as a matter of course and with a sense of pride. Learn more about what a a pumping room at work should look like for nursing mothers, and why. To mark the moment, and because our dear friends at Belabumbum asked, we thought we would share what some of the mothers you know and love (and care for you!) have to say when asked: WHO WAS YOUR BIGGEST SOURCE OF SUPPORT AS A NEW MOTHER? Tina Lee, Founder/CEO, Mothercoders
 'My supervisors were great in making accommodations whenever necessary during my pregnancies and after I returned to work.'
Christine Koh, Founder, Boston Mamas, Brave New World Designs, Co-Author, Minimalist Parenting
'I was so lucky to be pregnant at the same time as some friends – we all were returning to work and sharing tips and offering one another support. My girlfriend Paige (a friend dating back to 6th grade!) was especially wonderful.'
Kaity VelezCo-Founder, Well Rounded NY
'My mom and family. I’m very lucky to be a New York native and have family nearby. When my son was born it was all hands on deck and I had huge support from my mom, sisters and my oldest niece who is a college student with a love for kids.'
Samantha Rudolph, Founder, Babyation
This may be cliché, but it's my husband! When we had a newborn, he helped with late night feedings and changed all the diapers! Now, he wakes up with our son in the morning and they make breakfast together. I couldn’t imagine doing this parenting thing without Jared.
Lauren Smith Brody, Author, The Fifth Trimester
My husband, Ben. Logistically, many of our family responsibilities were mine to handle because of the stages each of us was in in our careers when we had our babies. But emotionally, I knew he supported ALL of my ambitions and was very clear-sighted about what the years of future working parenthood would look like for both of us.
We'd love to hear your back to work after baby story! Please share your story with It’s Working Project here.

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