Belabumbum is proud to celebrate 10 years of creating lingerie, loungewear, and swimwear that celebrate women’s evolving and enduring beauty. We've renewed our commitment to those special moments in a woman’s life — from the first moment she finds out she's pregnant, nursing her new baby, chasing toddlers... even up to the day that she sees her 'babies' off to college — keeping her pampered, sexy, and comfortable at every stage. We're calling it 'belly, boudoir, and beyond.'
To kick off our anniversary year, we've given our website a gorgeous makeover. The beautiful new look and feel and improved design is thanks to the lovely — and currently pregnant! —
Celine Celines. We had a friend help out and pull together a
website Pinterest board to communicate the mood we wanted to convey.
Stay tuned for a our e-commerce overhaul in early November. And for now bear with us as you click on the links above and feel like you've been sent to a different site!