'When you practice gratefulness there is a sense of respect towards others.'
-Dalai Lama
Every year my children are assigned a school project where it is required to write what they are grateful for. Usually, it involves friends and family, sometimes blankets or even video games. Every year, I read it and smile and of course feel thankful they are my kids. I wonder though, what is is to be truly thankful. I was so thankful when my electricity came on after 7 days post-hurricane Sandy. However, not nearly as thankful as I am that I even have a home to go to. Looking at the devastation in Breezy Point and other parts of our coast line, I am so thankful I only lost electricity.
I am thankful to have spent the time with the people in my life who are no longer here. This is the first Thanksgiving I will spend without my brother, my only sibling. As hard as it is to be at the table without him, I am thankful for so many things he gave me; things like his dry sense of humor, his unending loyalty, the chance to know his little boy. I cherish my children and my nephew even more today because of it and relish the love we all have for each other. I am not sure what it means to practice gratefulness, but I know it starts with being here, in the moment, and feeling what is real.
We wish all of you a Happy Holiday and know that we are grateful to have you here. We are so happy you have stumbled upon us and we can share with you the things we love to make. We wish you peace and hope that you feel thankful too. May we all find a way to practice gratitude this year.