• Love Joo Kim Opens Her Hospital Bag

    Did you know that September is actually the 'baby boom' month? There are lots of mamas getting ready for baby this month. And —there's no one way to pack a hospital bag. What one mama-to-be finds essential, another might consider totally unnecessary. That's why we find peeking into the bags of the stylish women whose lives we follow so endlessly fascinating. Like Joo Kim, of Love Joo Kim. This trendy young mama has a pretty minimalist approach to packing which we find refreshing. On her streamlined list of essentials, is of course, some Belabumbum. In addition...
  • How Much Milk Does Baby Need? - Guest Post by Sara Chana Silverstein, IBCLC, RH

    For Breastfeeding Awareness Month this year, we were lucky enough to work with Sara Chana Silverstein, a breastfeeding expert and lactation consultant.  She is also a Master Herbalist RH (AHG), Classical Homeopath, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), TV personality, lecturer, author, wife and mother of seven children. Here Sara Chana answers one of the most frequently asked questions by nursing moms; 'Is my baby getting enough at each feeding?' Moms always ask me,'Do breastfeeding babies ingest the same amount of breast milk at each feed?'  The answer is no!  When a baby is breastfeed, that baby will take in a...
  • Belabumbum Makes Sandy A La Mode's New Mom Essentials

    There's no simple answer to any of the infinite questions motherhood poses. Each of us to arrive at a solution that makes the most sense for our families and lifestyles. But that doesn't mean we can draw inspiration from other women or learn from the wisdom they've accrued over time. The super fab Sandy Kang, of Sandy A La Mode, recently shared with us some of the products she found most helpful after giving birth 8 months ago. We're fortunate enough to say our Starlit Mom & Baby Gift Set made this great list of New...
  • Megan Quint of the Quintessentials Shares Her Hospital Must-Haves

    A peek into a woman's hospital bag can tell you a great deal about her: what she values most, what brings her comfort and how prepared she is for the most extreme situations - i.e. a snorkel in case of emergency water birth. The gorgeous Megan Quint Gressel of the The Quintessentials might not be ready for a deep dive into the ocean, but she's got one of the most thorough list of must-haves we've ever seen. This fantastic list has got her ready for labor, recovery and going home. In the beautiful image above you'll...
  • Sara Haley on 'Toning the Tush'

    As a pre & postnatal exercise specialist, the part of the body I hear pregnant women complain most about is their booty. It’s easy to accept the fact that your belly is changing and growing throughout your pregnancy, but it can be a little more difficult to embrace your changing backside. No doubt your body is going to do what it needs to do to support your growing baby, and for some of us that means some extra cushion in our lower bodies, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up on keeping a tight...
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